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State Senate  Candidate SD41- Conservative/Republican

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About Pat

Pat is a lifetime resident of the 41st Senate District.  Pat grew up in Rhinebeck, attended grade school in Hyde Park and high school in Kingston.  Pat’s family has been residing in the Hudson Valley since 1905.  Pat and his wife Caroline have three children, who all attend Kingston Public Schools. 


Pat has been a local business owner since 2008, prior to that he was Director of Business Development in Ulster County and worked as a prosecutor in Queens County, NY.  Pat received his law degree from Albany Law School and his Bachelor’s from Boston College.


Community service has always been important to Pat, he has been a volunteer firefighter since he turned 18, serving as a line officer, Company President and elected Fire Commissioner during his 35 years of fire service.  Pat is a life member of the Ruby Fire Department.


Responsible gun ownership, hunting and fishing are also priorities for Pat, he is a life member of the NRA, a member of the Saugerties Fish and Game Club, and a representative to the Federated Sportsmen’s Clubs of Ulster County.


NYS Senate Republicans have drafted legislation which would afford DHS notification of arrest information of illegal aliens, so that a detainer warrant can be issued to LLE so that violent illegal aliens are processed for removal from our communities after they have been adjudicated in NYS courts.

Pass "Laken's Law"

Ban face masks from being worn in public places, support the State of Israel and protect all citizens who are being harassed and, in some instances, physically assaulted by these so called “peaceful protesters.”

Stand with Israel

Women and girls are coming under attack for simply being female.  The NYS Board of Regents is considering allowing male athletes to join female athletic teams, which may cause both physical and mental injury to female athletes across New York.

Support Women's Sports

Working for US

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Committee to Elect Patrick Sheehan

P.O. Box 8, Ruby, NY 12475

(845) 876-7653

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Support Pat Sheehan for Senate

The State of Our State

For the past five years, the Democratic Party has had complete control of the NYS Senate.  The Democrat supermajority has proven itself over the past five years to be the party of pain for everyday New Yorkers. 


From pain at the pump and the checkout line to literal pain from the uptick in violence brought about by the “reforms” Democrats in Albany passed in 2019.  Closing Indian Point, banning the extraction of shale gas, eliminating cash bail for most criminal acts, these and many more “reforms” simply hurt our residents and our businesses. 


The NYS budget in 2019 was $170 Billion Dollars.  The Democrat Supermajority approved a budget for 2024 of $229 Billion Dollars.  Nearly $60 Billion Dollars higher than five years ago means higher costs for those of us still living working and raising our families here.


It’s no wonder that over 620,000 NYS residents have fled the Empire State in the past few years, only to be replaced with undocumented migrants, who do not add to our tax base, but simply take away safety net services that our citizens and veterans desperately need.


2019’s “most progressive and productive session that’s ever been in New York state,” according to Senate Dep. Majority Leader Gianaris, D-Queens, has come home to roost. 


The solution to New York’s dysfunction is to root out the problem: the Democrat supermajority. 


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